I awoke in a panic from a dream in 2006.
In that dream, I walked on a field that grew into large hills. I witnessed people calmly walking while others ran in a panic in every direction.
The hills grew steeper and harder to climb. While continuing and struggling up the hills, flames burst out of my hands. I was able to manipulate the flames' size and intensity. With excitement, I stopped some of the people running in panic to show them the flames but i couldn't produce.

They laughed at my struggle. I stepped away from them and tried again , this time over achieving my goal along with wings of fire growing out of my back. The people who were calmly walking witnessed my success and smiled with me and they too, turned on their fire and wings along with me. The laughing people disappeared.
We continued with the fire so much to the point where I started feeling the burn sensation and awoke expecting to see burn marks in my hands. Unbeknown to me at the time, this was the 1st introduction to Arkana Lux.
Later that year, while deployed to Iraq, I started trying pre workout supplements. I was in search of some assistance to motivate and help transform my body. Not only was I in search of transforming my body, I wanted to find that light, the steps, the blueprint to change my approach to the new me.
I began meditating so much I started seeing symbols. I wrote down what I saw and was able to find what I had been manifesting all along. Alchemy. The secret I had been looking for was within me all along. Instead of blaming my environment, I had to reset myself and go through stages of Alchemy so I could thrive within any environment.
I utilized this Arkana Lux, this Secret Light with everything I did. I was able to transform my mind and body and decided to Provide to the masses. I looked to start with a Preworkout for avid gym goers and utilizing the stages of alchemy to assist in the formulation.
The masses were growing with frustration over the mediocre ingredients in many pre workouts, we all looked for that "feeling" we all once had. So, out of pure necessity Arkana Lux was born and Provide Preworkout was given.

I researched, tested, and ran trials, all to create a preworkout that handled multiple needs with a few extra wants.
A key factor was to pay attention to the public, simple attention to detail of what they look to feel when taking a Pre. Trail after trial we were able to Bring to the athlete Focus & Euphoria , Tingles & Rush , Energy & Pump.
In addition we managed to add 3 extra factors:Calorie burn, no crash , and great taste, all of which were not easy to finalize but neither is anything worthwhile.
We utilized these stages:
Stages of Alchemy
-Calcination = Burn / Calorie
-Dissolution = Dissolving into water / dissolving ego
-Separation = Focus / nootropic
-Conjunction = unification of above 3 / good consumption
-Putrefaction/Fermentation = Out with the old , in with the new
-Distillation = Removing impurities / Formation of better you / True Premium ingredients
-Coagulation = Solidifying the new you / solid pumps / Transform
We are not just a supplement brand , we are a Movement. We are Gods among humans. We are the Secret, We are the Light...We are Arkana Lux